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Superalloy Performance Under Pressure

TF is a plugin integration overachiever, never implementing the bare minimum. Here is a sample of what it can do that most other SDN plugins can’t.

Kubernetes and OpenShift CNI features:

  • Option to run TF in Kubernetes with or without Helm
  • Replace kube-proxy with faster vRouter and add Service type LoadBalancer and Ingress on any infrastructure, any cloud
  • Implements NetworkPolicy and option of layered security or same security policies without developers writing Kubernetes NetworkPolicy objects, providing simpler DevOps and better infosec control and audit
  • Option of Namespace isolation and per-microservice microsegmentation with choice of TF tenants, networks or security rules
  • Additional IPAM, overlapping IP pools, floating IPs, and containers with multiple network interfaces
  • Run Kubernetes or OpenShift on OpenStack with a single—not a nested—TF control and data plane

OpenStack Neutron features:

  • Heat template automation for TF features
  • Implements LBaaS
  • Implements service chaining with VM lifecycle management and scaling
  • Neutron ML2 option

Keep Your Borders and Options Open

In this changing technology landscape, keeping an evolvable architecture requires open standards, open source, and an actively open-minded community.

  • Networks have borders that need crossing. Speaking the same language of proven open protocol standards in the control and data plane is TF’s specialty, so that your domain is never an island.
  • Open source keeps innovation flowing from many directions, and provides the flexibility to shape the outcomes you need, or turn to vendors you trust.
  • The option to use TF with overlays on any IP network, keeps your decision of hardware network or public cloud underlay, yours to judge for yourself.

Plug n’ Play and More

TF is a plugin integration overachiever, never implementing the bare minimum. Here is a sample of what it can do that most other SDN plugins can’t.

Kubernetes and OpenShift CNI features:

  • Option to run TF in Kubernetes with or without Helm
  • Replace kube-proxy with faster vRouter and add Service type LoadBalancer and Ingress on any infrastructure, any cloud
  • Implements NetworkPolicy and option of layered security or same security policies without developers writing Kubernetes NetworkPolicy objects, providing simpler DevOps and better infosec control and audit
  • Option of Namespace isolation and per-microservice microsegmentation with choice of TF tenants, networks or security rules
  • Additional IPAM, overlapping IP pools, floating IPs, and containers with multiple network interfaces
  • Run Kubernetes or OpenShift on OpenStack with a single—not a nested—TF control and data plane

OpenStack Neutron features:

  • Heat template automation for TF features
  • Implements LBaaS
  • Implements service chaining with VM lifecycle management and scaling
  • Neutron ML2 option

Tungsten Fabric Detailed Architecture Document

Tungsten Fabric Detailed Architecture Document (Simplified Chinese)

Tungsten Fabric Data Sheet (November 2019)